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Victoria 46 high end fashion store - Bucharest

Location: Bucharest
Source: Glamshops
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Published in: August 01 2013 / Fashion Stores
Victoria 46... un “icon store” in lumea high-end fashion din Romania si nu neaparat datorita brandurilor comercializate, ci mai degraba pentru stilului elegant si rafinat abordat atat in vitrine cat si in amenjarea magazinului.
In prezentul review am surprins magazinul intr-o perioada in care tocmai se asteptau colectiile noi pentru a umple rafturile si umerasele... dar acest lucru nu ne-a deranjat deloc din contra ne-a dat senzatia ca marfa prezenta este mult mai bine pusa in valoare si magazinul avea ceva din aerul unui muzeu modern.
In interior brandurile Christian Dior, Alexander McQueen, Lanvin, Saint Laurent , Stella McCartney, Isabel Marant, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Jimmy Choo, Sergio Rossi, Charlotte Olympia, Mary Katrantzou si Olympia Le-Tan se rasfata intr-un spatiu generos cu doua etaje.
Zonele de interes din magazin au fost subtil evidentiate prin manechine sau standere cu haine iar departementul de visual merchandising se ocupa in permanenta de realizarea unor outfituri si combinatii atragatoare atat pe manechine cat si pe mese.

Un mic aranjament monocromatic negru glossy cu insertii aurii se evidentiatat la etajul superior al magazinului, iar produsele din acest mic shop in shop poarta semnatura Agent Provocateur.

Un layout extrem de bine ales pentru acest magazin iar atmosfera interioara cu siguranta este pe placul clientilor ce apreciaza luxul si brandurile mai sus amintite.
Victoria 46 is one of the Romanian “Icon stores” for high end fashion, and not only because of the brands found inside, but mostly due to the exquisite interior concept and window display. Inside the store brands like Christian Dior, Alexander McQueen, Lanvin, Saint Laurent, Stella McCartney, Isabel Marant, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Jimmy Choo, Sergio Rossi, Charlotte Olympia, Mary Katrantzou ,Olympia Le-Tan indulge themselves in a generous two floor space.
The “hot spots” from the floor layout were highlighted using mannequins or stainless steel cloths stand, washed by halogen spot lights from the ceiling.

As you can see from the pictures, the visual merchandising department permanently develops new outfits and appealing combinations for mannequins and tables display, keeping the clients updated with the latest trends.

The upper level of this exciting multi brand store, is hosting a shop in shop “Agent Provocateur” which we find very appealing due to the glossy black fixtures finishes.
Victoria 46, high end fashion store, Bucharest Victoria 46, amenjare V46, design interior V46, Christian Dior, Alexander McQueen, Lanvin, Saint Laurent, Stella McCartney, Isabel Marant, Jimmy Choo, Sergio Rossi, Charlotte Olympia, Mary Katrantzou ,Olympia Le-Tan

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