Tea Garden Restaurant Concept
Sergey Makhno has developed the concept of a new city lounge-restaurant “Tea Garden”, where every guest can get a refined pleasure-complete dipping in tea samadkhi. The concept of the restaurant is focusing to let the nature in the interior, that is why guests could sit near the tree and listen birds, feel four elements of the life: fire, water, ground and air in the centre of a big city.
In the process of the developing Sergey was following the ideas of elegance and naturality. That is why in the elaboration we have used only organic and natural materials, like concrete, tree and glass. There are several places on purpose in the restaurant. The main element of the domical hall is ornamental tree – symbol of the cognition and life, that element encourage you to the meditative mood and bring you original visual theatre. Also on the first floor you can see the place with a niche for the companies. These niches take place under the level of the natural grass; also there are table and five places for sitting in every niche. When you are sitting here, your look is on the level of a natural grass and plants that are dragging along the dome. And if you will lift your head, you could see how Kiev’s sky gets across the huge domical window to the internal space.
In the center of the bar zone take place the wall, that is revetted by a tree, under which you can see a big collection of a different types of tea in a glass boxes. The tea specialist will help you to choose your own tea from a large number of a fresh crop sorts.
In the interior of bar zone we used only simple, clear shapes and organic materials. Generally we used tree and concrete. Lamps are built in the wall and bringing soft ornamental light. Sofas and tables are very simple and minimalistic, all furniture is executed in monochrome tones, that is why human can be the brightest character in it.
Tables are served with author’s tablewear designed by Sergey Makhno, which was developed specially for this project. There are oriental-European cuisine and tea cocktails for the admirers of a refined food. Lower hall for the tea ceremony are more private. This place is for a small company, it’s island of fire and water, where you can prepare the tea on coals and spend your time in a pleasant company.
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