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Tartine et Chocolat boutique in Bucharest

Location: Bucharest
Source: glamshops
Made by: Glamshops
Published in: April 30 2013 / Fashion Stores
Magazinul este o lectie de Visual Merchandising si un exemplu demn de urmat in ceea ce priveste atmosfera, aranjamentul produselor si prezentarea acestora. O combinatie placuta de culori si un contrast foarte reusit intre mocheta de nuanta inchisa si mobilierul deschis la culoare.
In rest o atmosfera vintage Parisiana cat se poate de chic (poate si din cauza muzicii din fundal) si un interior care prin culoare si accesorii reusea sa te transpuna cu repeziciune intr-o lume imaginara a copilariei.

Nu am vazut pana acum foarte multe magazine cu articole pentru copii care sa rupa tiparele clasice ale acestor locatii (produse multe, alei inguste, rafturi aglomerate), de aceea am ramas surprinsi sa gasim un aranjament caracteristic unui flagship store intr-un boutique cu articole pentru copii si nou nascuti.
A Visual Merchandising lesson that comes from a kids wear store.
An absolutely fabulous store with relaxing atmosphere, pleasant color combinations, airy shelves, nice French music in the background and other small visual elements that transpose you in the magical world of childhood

A cosy place with a mix of soft textures and warm materials... Another aspect that we never expected to meet in a kids wear store is the appealing merchandise display and correlation between products (typical to flagship stores). We do not know how kids feel in this boutique, but we... as adults we felt very good.
Tartine et Chocolat, childrens wear, boutique Bucharest, Tartine et Chocolat bucuresti, magazine de copii

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