Stefanel Flagship Store Romania
La nivel teoretic un flagship store este caracterizat de cateva elemente mai importante: marfa putina, mobilier “custom made”, design interior atractiv, floor layout minimalist, atentie sporita la aranjamentul produselor.
Toate aceste aspecte se regasesc si in flagship store-ul Stefanel si imaginea de ansamblu a magazinului este una inedita.
De la intrare se face remarcat un impunator tavan retractabil (barisol) care da o tenta galbuie intregului magazin, oferind astfel iluminatul general al spatiului. Iluminatul de accent si anume reflectoarele, au un numar de kelvini apropiati de cei ai tavanului si au fost ingenios incastrate in rama acestuia preactic fiind aproape invizibile.
Punctul forte al magazinelor si anume peretele din fundal a fost bine evidentiat, el fiind usor remarcabil inca de la intrare iar impactul vizual cu acesta este unul placut si atractiv. Produse din aceasi grupa cromatica asezate aerisit si intr-un echilibru simetric accentuand anumite produse printr-o prezentare mai deosebita.
Liniaritatea peretilor laterali a fost intrerupta de un manechin care transmite mesaje privind trendul si asortarea diverselor accesorii. Marfa prezentata pe peretii lateriali este prezentata folosind coordonarea produselor si blocajul de culoare.
Pe floor layout-ul de tip minimalist se remarca cateva mese de tip display realizate din sticla si un “4 way hanger” pentru produsele din gama trend.
Cabina de proba nu facea nota discordanta cu restul peisajului, de aceleasi materiale si de aceeasi atentie a avut parte si ea ca si interiorul magazinului. Detaliu ce aduce un plus la imaginea globala.
Designul magazinului se regaseste defapt in toate flaghip-urile Stefanel si este un pattern creat de echipa Sybarite din Londra, avand la baza o serie de elemente modulare realizate din sticla, plastic, fibra de sticla si inox. Acest sistem modular a permis transpunerea lui in aproximativ 700 de magazine Stefanel din lume.
Designul fluid al magazinelor are la baza motivul “cercului in patrat” , iar acest motiv se repeta intr-un mod armonios in toate elementele prezente in magazin incepand ca tabureti, mese, pereti , cash desk pana la manerul usii de la intrare.
Mobilierul realizat de firma Soozar, are un aspect high tech – glosy pentru ca aceasta a fost cerinta Stefanel : un concept arhitectural modern care sa devina sinonim cu imaginea brandului italian. Conceptul mobilierului permite introducerea de noi module sau eliminarea unor module in functie de spatiu si cantitatea de marfa care se doreste a fi expusa.
A flagship store is defined by several elements: small quantity of merchandise, custom made furniture, attractive interior design and a minimal floor layout.
All this elements reflects the interior of Stefanel flagship store from Afi Palace Bucharest.
From the entrance you remark a huge retractable ceiling (barisol) with warm light used for ambient lightning . The accent lights well hidden inside the frame of the barisol ceiling.
The back wall has a clear sight line from the entrance, and it’s presenting one color group of merchandise in a clear symmetric display.
Some of the merchandise is highlighted using a different way of display.
The side walls linearity is broken by mannequins transmitting trend messages and ways of matching different accessories.
The minimal floor layout is carrying a couple of glass display tables and a 4 way rack for trend merchandise. The merchandise on the side walls is presented using color blocking and coordination technique
Changing cabins got the same finishes and materials like the shop interior, an important aspect witch increase the overall aspect of the shop.
About the flaship store design: (from
Stefanel store by Sybarite
Part of a complete rebranding effort, Sybarite’s new shop concept for Stefanel is a modern and sexy solution designed to propel this Italian knitwear label in a completely new direction and firmly into the future of retail.
The brief was to create a completely new image for Stefanel shops, a strong and recognisable architectural language that would become synonymous with their brand identity. With rollout plans for 700 locations worldwide – from large flagships to tiny shop-in-shops – the concept had to offer exceptional value for money, ease of installation and adaptability to widely varying sites. The result is a modular system which achieves complete flexibility without sacrificing aesthetics or imagination. It lends itself to using repetition and variation as a method of building composition, where the final outcome can grow organically in response to a particular site and evolve over time in collaboration with the client.
The components, mainly gloss lacquered GRP and polished stainless steel, are fabricated off site and come together fluidly to form the walls, display surfaces and furniture, creating the impression of a continuous form moulded into display props and surfaces. The sense of composition is reinforced by the attention paid to the smallest detail. The motif of square into circle repeats throughout, from the curvy rectangles of the wall units and freestanding furniture to the bespoke stools, shelves and door handles. The language is incorporated into stylised mannequins and hangers and is echoed in the minimalism of the window vitrines.
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