Quiksilver store in Yokohama by Specialnormal inc.
Quiksilver is a board riding company, born in Australia. This a new concept store of the brand, which opened at a new shopping complex called 'Mark is Minatomirai' in Minatomirai, Yokohama.
QUIKSILVER, ROXY, DC SHOES, three distinguished brands are all in at this one store.
In order to make the most of each brands’unique elements, this space was divided into three box shaped areas.
At Quiksilver, the expression of natural woods and old woods wisteria trellis were installed to express the brand.
Roxy is colored in a multilayer of white and blue in order to give it a beach house look.
DC SHOES was displayed with wire mesh, which also was used for only shop.
To connect the above three different sections, glittered foundation stone box was chosen for a casher. Specially designed wood pattern for the shop and a surfboard in the symbol color of red add more accents to the shop.
Every parts of the shop was composed as if it is a shopping area on the street, and it succeeded in drawing customers attentions into the shop.
Client : Quiksilver Japan K.K.
Location : MARK is MINATOMIRAI Yokohama, Kanagawa
Interior : Direction, Design : Specialnormal Inc.
Photo Copyright : Koichi Torimura
Specialnormal inc., quiksilver yokohama, QUIKSILVER, ROXY, DC SHOES, Mark is Minatomirai,Yokohama shop designers, design by Specialnormal inc