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Papabubble in Yokohama by Schemata Architects

Location: Yokohama
Source: schemata
Published in: November 19 2013 / Restaurants / Bakeries
Papabubble in Yokohama

When we were asked for renovation, the client was in need of installing partition between kitchen and shop. We intend to design a space that resonates with movements of candy makers during the making process, and also movements of their products. Our design focuses on relationships between concrete and formwork at various stages. By making various configuration of concrete and formwork and inserting glass and tiles randomly, we create spaces to welcome and receive visitors, staff and products.
Papabubble in Yokohama,Papabubble boutique, kitchen-shop,candy makers,concrete and formwork, candy shop design, candy store, Papabubble candy, design magazin dulciuri, amenajare magazin duslciuri, magazinul de bomboane

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