Papabubble cady store design Amsterdam by Yusuke Seki
Reflections are natural decoration from its environment.
The Glass stands center of the candy shop, it reflect the sight from out side and these refections illustrate glass wall as visible curtain which changes according to weather and surrounding environment substance.
Reflection on the glass in the night time is very clear almost no existence in the space, the place itself become skeleton and disappear in the space.
From the storefront, you can see through to the back garden, even there are layer in between. These glasses are works as fuctional devision in interior, however as one store, to make this space as a part of the public litually and phisically this suppose to be part of street.
Because of building style is amsterdam school, the interior side wall are outside wall of the house next to this. Seki kept this texsture as it is keep a evidence of the building story as well as playing inside/ outside method. Believing this outside method is to be part of open to public continuously.
The store location is hearts of Amsterdam, as japanese architect Seki shows japanese substance into the detail on dutch architecture seamlessly. Japanese products brand MUJI furniture is supported and also slide door, storage door hole grab, simply add placid sign decorate the store with dutch context.
Glass stands ,Papabubble Amsterdam,candy shop,Reflection on the glass,storefront,amsterdam school,Seki,texsture,Japanese design, MUJI furniture, yusuke seki, design yusuke seki, shop design yusuke seki