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Mediterraneo Boutique by MetroOffice

Made by: MetroOffice
Published in: June 09 2016 / Fashion Stores
Mediterraneo Boutique is a multi-brand store located in the main street of La Spezia, a seaport in Liguria, Italy. The store, about 220 sq mt, is addressed to a luxury customers. The design and the materials used are sophisticated but at the same time contemporary. On the floor two different types of marbles, one black and one white, are inserted in a gray resin floor, identifying the man area from the woman area, and creating a multifaceted and multicolor carpet.
A dark gray metal profile runs along the entire space and becomes from time to time hanger, shelves, lights, creating a path along the entire shop. White glass, satin brass and stainless steel sheets make up the shelves. The different mirror-like dark metal plates amplify the space and contrast with walls and parts of the floor that are rough and matt.

Designed by MetroOffice Architetti
Photography by Margherita Caldi Inchingolo
Mediterraneo Boutique, MetroOffice,multi-brand store, La Spezia, resin floor, resin floor shops, boutique design, amenajari boutique, design magazine, amenajari spatii comerciale, design magazine

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