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Linda vuela a Rio store by estudi{H}ac, Murcia – Spain

Location: Murcia, Spain
Made by: Estudi{H}ac
Published in: September 19 2013 / Beauty / Body Shops
A perfume store like ‘used to be’, reminds us a pharmacy, were traditional perfumes, the most ancient perfumed candles, the most avant-garde and conceptual fragrances and the most advanced and exclusive cosmetics live in perfect harmony.

Linda vuela a Río has chosen Murcia to open its first space dedicated to perfumes. An impressive façade in dark wood with huge windows, with a ‘British’ touch, heritage from the former business, leads to an interior that contrasts with the outdoor due to its luminosity, but however, it is integrated with the nobility of the area where the store is located, in the city centre closer to the cathedral, not resigning to the necessity of being ‘absolutely modern’.
This is the reason why, inside the store a kind of trajectory has been created allowing the user to enjoy the different corners created for the different brands, with quality as a common point, independently from its avant-grade and traditional aesthetic, and with a finish line in a white marble circle shaped table with golden legs. A wide perfume selection is exposed over this table recreating a high couture dinner in a Parisian palace. Over the table, in the ceiling, a big illuminated moat composed by gold and White rubbers which cross with each other through the perimeter creating a big ‘chandelier’; an special edition crated exclusively for the store of the +sister lamp.

In the walls, like an exposition, the commissioners have organized the product above white lacquered wood strips, conferring to the space depth and dynamism through an emboss game. The shelves have enough space to allow each brand to expose their creation and philosophy.

Designed by estudi{H}ac
Photography by Mayte Piera

Linda vuela, Rio store, estudi{H}ac, Murcia – Spain, retail design in perfume stores, visual merchandising perfume shop, amenajare parfumerie, avant-garde,conceptual fragrances,exclusive cosmetics shop

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