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J.M. WESTON pop-up store by Loci Anima Architects

Location: Paris
Source: loci anima
Made by: Loci Anima
Published in: September 04 2018 / Shoes / Bags
Loci anima arrives in the Gaumont movie thea­ter on the Champs-Élysées to inves­ti­gate the codes of J.M. Weston and to offer a set-up that is revea­ling of and sen­si­tive to the shoe brand and its tra­di­tio­nal codes.

The visi­tor comes into a time­less space mixing authen­ti­city and extra­va­gance, with a whis­pe­ring of the story you tell your­self as well as others as you walk towards your des­tiny wea­ring a pair of J.M. Westons.
Faithful to the brand’s demand for sobriety, loci anima crea­ted a plan lan­glas­ting and durable with intense effects, not­withs­tan­ding its fru­gal nature: the flight cases used to dis­play the col­lec­tions will be used for trans­por­ting this exhi­bi­tion to future des­ti­na­tions, as the fur­ni­ture and movie set-up tie in with each other, in a tai­lor-made approach that the shoe­ma­ker so appre­ciates.

Photos : Massimo Pessina
JM WESTON, shoe pop-up, pop-up store, store design, loci anima, architects, paris stores, retail design paris, shop interior concept, pop-up store by Loci Anima Architects

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