Collective multi brand store Bucharest
Am vizitat una din locatiile Collective si sincer... ne-a placut tot ce am vazut. Am apreciat faptul ca mobilierul liniar, uniform si monoton a fost inlocuit cu mobilier specific fiecarui brand ce se regaseste in magazin. Am apreciat si floor layout-ul bine trasat/definit, ce dinamiza putin shoppingul prin faptul ca trebuie sa decoperi produsele si brandurile parcurgand "lambirinturile " magazinului.
Mobilierul personalizat reusea sa evidentieze mult mai clar produsele iar identificarea clientului cu produsul se facea mult mai bine in cadrul romantic, industrial sau cu tenta sportiva specifica fiecarui departament. Este un spatiu dinamic si deloc monoton,mereu descoperi cate ceva... iar reflectoarele ce inlocuiesc iluminatul general, ofera o nota "dramatica" locatiei prin jocul de lumini si umbre creat pe pereti si podea.
Este o combinatie reusita a interiorului in care se va simti bine atat clientul "casual" in cautare de Nike, Converse, Energy, Pepe Jeans, Napapijri cat clientul in cautare de Ralf Lauren si Calvin Klein...
Multi brand stores usually means a lot of brands, a lot of merchandise, and a liniar fixture. Collective’s multi brand store is a little bit different... We call this layout “discovery” because of the fixture pattern that makes you discover the shop interior and the merchandise.
They got rid of the classic shelving and racking system and chose to customize each corner and each brand with specific fixture and textures. This helps the client identifying with the merchandise in the romantic, industrial or sporty mood specific to each brand name. It’s a dynamic place and you discover something on each step. The HID lights are replacing the overall lighting system and this gives the interior a more dramatic aspect.
Collectiveis chose for an interior concept that will be pleasant for the "casual type client" looking for Nike, Convers, Pepe Jeans, Energy, Napapijri, but also for the Ralf Lauren and Calvin Klein client... and that is a smart retail trick.
collective, magazine collective, Ralf Lauren, nike, converse, energy, pep jeans