Bestiari book shop by Jorge Pérez Vale, Barcelona – Spain
Jorge Pérez Vale just finished the interior design of a bookshop for Bestiari SCCL, group of catalonian bookshops, in the new Born Cultural Center in Barcelona placed in a former Market.
The Cultural Center is builded around archeological remains founded during the refurbishment of the building. It consist of two exhibitions rooms, one multifunction room and one bar and one bookshop, besides the archeological remains.
Jorge Pérez Vale had the assignment to design the furniture, distribution and enlightenment for the bookshop. The bookshop project reminds the former use of the building as a Market, today transformed into a cultural center. Wooden boxes were used in the past to supply the Market. Today the commercial activity remains in the bookshop, and wooden boxes are used there as furniture, to store and show books and objects instead of fruit and fish, keeping the spirit of the old market.
Furniture was manufactured by a packaging company, and I used standard solutions of packaging boxes to design the furniture details. Most of the furniture is mobil and its position can be changed depending on functional requests. Roseta y Ohiana, graphic design studio, has incorporated the graphic elements to the project. Photographies are from Adrià Goula.
Bestiari book shop, Jorge Pérez Vale, bookshop in Barcelona – Spain,Wooden boxes, amenjare librarie, amenajare magazin carti, design interior librarii, Marke bookshop, bookshop retail design